Annoying Things New Jersey Drivers Do
Here are a bunch of reasons New Jersey drivers should be cranking up their radio volume when Taylor Swift sings, 'It's me. Hi. I'm the problem, it's me.'
Sure, as residents of the Garden State, we certainly have privilege to criticize out-of-state drivers for hogging the left-hand lane or lacking the skills needed to navigate a traffic circle or jughandle.
But New Jersey drivers are not without their own bad habits. Sometimes, we may need to be looking in the (rearview) mirror to admit to our shortcomings.
These annoying things we may do as drivers here in our home state may hit home, even if you don't want to own up to them.

Or maybe you'll find NO shame in how you drive. Hey, if you can't take the heat, get outta the Garden State? Lol.
See if these 10 Annoying Things New Jersey Drivers Do track with you.
10 Annoying Things New Jersey Drivers Do
Drive safely, NJ! And remember to share the road!
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