Heads Up! Philly’s Parking Authority Will Increase Enforcement of Bike Lanes
Keeping the city of Philadelphia's bicycle lanes free of parked cars has been an ongoing struggle, but that may be changing.
Heads up if you're a motorist in the city of Philadelphia.
The Philadelphia Parking Authority announced on Thursday that it would launch an increased focus on punishing those who park in bicycle lanes across the city.
They say that about eight enforcement will hit the streets starting on Monday (May 1) with the purpose of focusing on bike lines. They will be issuing tickets to motorists who illegally park in them.
It's always been illegal, but of course, we've all seen cars still blocking the lanes, which are reserved for bicyclists.
The Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) says they've issued over 25,000 tickets for bike lane violations, but cyclists have been asking the parking authority to increase patrols.
"The staggering number of violations clearly demonstrates the need for a focused enforcement unit to concentrate solely on bike lanes in Center City, University City, and South Philadelphia,” the Philadelphia Parking Authority's Executive Director Rich Lazer said on Thursday.
There have been 45 deaths and over 135 injuries since 2011, the PPA said in a press release on Thursday.
Ticket Blitz! Street Sweeping Enforcement Begins in Philadelphia
By the way, consider yourself warned about the city's street cleaning program because that could mean you'll see a ticket from the PPA. That program runs through October. We told you about that recently.
Starting in early May the city will begin issuing tickets for vehicles that don't follow the posted signs.
The annual street cleaning program — which began earlier this month— appears to result in more parking tickets being written than ever before.
The city's street cleaning program covers 14 high-litter areas. A sweeping street ticket in Philadelphia will cost you about $31.