The Creed and Black Panther star has been crowned as 2020’s Sexiest Man Alive by People Magazine. The 33-year-old has also starred in other big time films/shows like Fantastic Four, All My Children, Friday Night Lights and Fruitvale Season. The actor who was raised in New Jersey credits his parents and siblings for being a grounding force throughout his career.

Although born in Santa Ana, CA, Jordan moved to New Jersey when he was two and was raised in Newark by his parents Donna and Michael A. Jordan, and with his siblings Jamila, Jordan and Khalid. “My mom and dad sacrificed so much to provide for my sister, brother and me. I’m just grateful. Honestly, it’s like they all have had such an impact on me and who I am and how I approach each day,” Jordan said.

Growing up in the tough city of Newark, Jordan admitted in an interview that he had friends who sold drugs and stole cars. However, the star stayed away himself from drugs and his parents helped him to start his career early by modeling for newspaper ads at the age of 10. According to Biography, Jordan attended Newark Arts High School where his mother worked and played basketball there. Insider writes that with the help of his parents, they landed him commercial auditions that got him out of school early and the rest is history.

Today, the actor is still single and in his free time likes to drive cars, cook, and play video games. Ladies, you still have a chance to be with the Sexiest Man Alive!


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