Did You Know There’s a Mountain Named After Princeton University?
I'm going on vacation later this week and I'm getting excited because I'm going somewhere new! It's not your average summer vacation, but I'm looking forward to it. When I tell people that I'm going to Montana, the majority of my friends and coworkers just stare at me and smile. I get it. Montana doesn't scream tropical, sun, and beach. I'm going to Glacier National Park. I'll be hiking the mountains, living in a log cabin for a week, and going whitewater rafting.
Because of my vacation plans, I'm now known as the mountain man in the office even though I've never hiked before. But I did find it interesting when a coworker told me that in Colorado there is a Mount Princeton, and it was named after Princeton University! After a quick Google search I found that it's part of the Collegiate Peaks and that the first recorded ascent was on July 17, 1877. Now I feel a personal tie to Mount Princeton. I work in Princeton and July 17th is my birthdate!
If I have fun at Glacier National Park, I may like to go to Mount Princeton. I saw on Colorado.com that it's a great place for rafting, fishing, biking, and skiing. If I go, I'd like to go to the hot springs!
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