We have finally made it to 2021! Reflecting on this past year has made me realize that I am stronger than what I think I am, but when it comes to food I just don’t know. You guys know by now that I am a complete foodie and always try to keep you guys in the loop about all food news. With that being said, I want to have a better relationship with food. I’m not saying I’m giving up my favorites, but I definitely want to live a healthier lifestyle! 

While we are on the topic, I know that many people chose dieting and exercise as their New Year’s resolutions. If you say you have never made it yours or haven't thought about it then you are completely lying! The reason I’m bringing this up is because it’s actually not the greatest thing for you! 

Of course exercise is needed. I am all for going to the gym and getting that body snatched, but I am really talking about dieting! That diet mentality is incredibly bad for you. At first I was thinking there is no way, but then I thought about it a little more and realized it is so bad. 

One of the biggest reasons that mentality is not good is because it actually does not lead to long term weight loss for most people. Dieting is good for something short term if you want to lose quick weight, but if you want to keep those pounds off forever then you have to start having a better relationship[ with food as I mentioned atelier.

Another reason why this mentality is bad for you is because it gives off this false idea that being thinner or thinner is better and that is not the case! You would not believe the amount of skinny people I know that have terrible health. Again, this all goes back to having a better relationship with food. 

So while you restart those diets again and again in the new year, just remember that I warned you! 


LOOK: Route 1: Which Burger Has The Most Calories?



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