Since Gritty came into this world back in September, people have had mixed emotions about him. Some people hate him. some people love him and some people honestly, don't care about him at all. It's kind of the same with Kim Kardashian, even though some people hate her, they still follow her. So in a way, Gritty and Kim Kardashian are kind of the same person, so maybe that's why, he felt the need to reach out to her via Twitter.  Well, fans of Gritty are very disappointed because he engaged with Kim Kardashian on Twitter, after she Tweeted about a law test she just took. Yes, if you haven't heard, Kim is studying to become a lawyer! 


Below is the Tweet that got everyone upset!


Once fans saw the exchange, they had their own words to say!

I think thew squirt bottle one is my favorite! It's like people are calling him a bad dog for talking to Kim Kardashian!

Either way, let Gritty talk to who he wants to! It's not like he's got a shot anyway! Sorry, Gritty!

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