New Jersey is representing in yet another reality TV show. TLC is coming out with a new show called “My Feet Are Killing Me.” This show will document the journey of patients who have serious foot issues as they get back onto their feet. New Jersey’s own will be starring in the show. Dr. Brad Schaeffer from Hillsborough will be the focus as he conducts surgeries, takes on hard cases and helps people live normal lives.

Schaeffer is a foot and ankle surgeon who has his very own practice called Family Foot & Ankle Specialists. He is what you would call a podiatrist. In his many years as a foot doctor he has seen many different foot issues. He will be teaming up with Dr. Ebonie Vincent to show viewers what it’s like to take on an area of the body that most people don’t like.

On the show you will see cases of severe fungus, a man suffering from Proteus syndrome, the largest bunion ever treated and more. The show will air on TLC on Thursday nights at 10 p.m right after Dr. Pimple Popper.

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