I Finally Got an Appointment at the DMV
Last year on January 2nd, my water broke and on January 3rd my son was born. Following his birth I had 8 weeks of maternity leave before I went back to the Chris and The Crew morning show. It was an amazing 8 weeks being with our little guy and learning all about parenthood. While I was on maternity leave, my license expired. Did I think it was a big deal? Not really. I just figured I would take care of it a few weeks after and all would be good. Then, the pandemic hit and shut down EVERYTHING, including DMV's.
As soon as the DMV's opened, I did not have time to sit there for hours and hours on end trying to get in. It also made me extremely nervous to be around that many people. So I waited until they started doing appointments. YAY! This will easy, I thought. NOPE! No appointments available ANYWHERE! My husband is a cop and kept telling me that it's really bad that my license expired a year ago especially if I get pulled over. He said most cops would be understanding, but some may not. So I went to their website and started try to figure out how the heck to renew my license. So many people told me I could do it online. NOPE! Not if it's expired. Can I get a form mailed to me? NOPE! So I emailed customer service and they told me to check the website at midnight and at 6am until I find an appointment. I thought this was crazy. I have a busy life and don't have time to check a website twice a day. I looked a few times, still nothing available, but last Saturday, I checked the website and guess what? I got an appointment! It's on a Monday in March and it's in Freehold, but I don't care! I am finally on my way to renewing my license!
So my advice to you if you're frustrated with the DMV, remember they are stressed right now too. Send them an email through their website and be patient for a response. Or you can keep calling an agency for info too. Definitely, try checking the website at Midnight and 6am until you find an appointment. Also, expand your range and maybe drive a little bit to an agency, that might help too. Good luck and Godspeed!