Make Sure You Have Good Hygiene Or It Can Be Bad
Personal hygiene has to be at the top of your list. If you don't clean yourself up regularly you have to fix your priorities. Brush your teeth, floss, clean your bottom, wipe correctly, and all that. Men, you are known for not cleaning your bottom correctly. GET ON TOP OF THAT!
Men's health put together a list of things you should work on to keep good hygiene and here are a few that we want to make sure you're working on or hope you do regularly.
1. Clean your behind!!!! "The number of people that don't wash their ass is astounding." - @youallsuck6 -- Really guys!? You don't clean your behind regularly? yuck!!
2. We know it can happen to anyone and you forget to put deodorant but make sure you wash up at least. No women wants a man with armpit smell.
3.Nose hairs are a NO NO! Get rid of those things!! No girl wants to see an extremely long nose hair coming out and blowing all over the place every time you breathe.
Check out the full list on Men's Health
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