Will 2023 Be the Year New Jersey Stops Turning the Clocks back?
What do we need to do in order to make this dream a possibility?
Raise your hand if you're still feeling exhausted from the time change!
You can't see me, but believe my hand is raised right now. As we change the clocks back every fall and push them forward every spring, I can't help but wonder why we're still taking part in this nonsense.
Apparently, legislators are wondering that too, yet again...but more on that later.
Why do we take part in Daylight Saving Time?
If you're wondering why we even bother putting ourselves through hell twice a year, here's a brief history lesson. According to Vox.com, it was done as an energy-saving tactic starting in WWI and then became the norm in the 60s.
Will the United States keep Daylight Saving Time, and eliminate a time change?
Last year, The New York Times shared the news that the Senate approved a bill that would make Daylight Saving Time permanent as of 2023. For some reason, that did not happen.
But, some states want to put the bill back on the table.
According to The Hill, Alabama, Coloradol, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, California, and Wyoming are all trying to take measures to end Daylight Savings Time permanently.
Sadly, New Jersey isn't on that list. Perhaps calling your local senator could change things.
Who else needs to approve the bill for permanent Daylight Saving Time?
Before you get too excited, the bill needs to go through a few more steps before it becomes law (wasn't there a Schoolhouse Rock song about this?) The House of Representatives still needs to put its stamp of approval on things before it's passed and signed off on by The President.
But fingers crossed this one works out! I'm tired of losing an hour of sleep, and the sun setting so early in the winter is just depressing.