If you’re a big nature person and love the feeling of the great outdoors, this is for sure a warning just for you.

If you’re planning on soaking up the last few weeks of that summer weather in New Jersey by going for hikes or picnics, you have to be aware of your surroundings.

Are you planning on packing up and heading oon your end-of-summer camping trip with your family?

This is seriously worth the read, if so.

Did you know that there are a few different species of harmful spiders found throughout New Jersey?

While there are plenty of different kinds that are harmless to humans, there are 3 different species that you can find in the wild in New Jersey that will cause harm if you’re bit by one.

3 harmful spiders are living in New Jersey that you have to be aware of when out and about.

Black Widow Spiders


If you encounter a spider that has a glossy black body with a red hourglass shape on their underside, you may want to walk away.

Their venomous bite can cause muscle cramps, pain, and nausea.

If you find yourself bitten by one of these, seek medical attention immediately.

Typically these spiders like to hide in dark, undisturbed areas near sheds or woodpiles.

Brown Recluse Spiders



These spiders are light brown in color and tend to have a mark on their back that resembles a violin.

You’ll often find these in closets, basements, or even under furniture, so you don’t even have to go outside to have a run-in with them, unfortunately.

If you find yourself in a situation where you’re bit by one of these, you can experience necrotic skin lesions and systemic symptoms so seeking medical attention is advised.

Yellow Sac Spiders



Finally, beware of Yellow Sac Spiders in New Jersey.

These spiders tend to have a yellow or pale green body with a darker stripe on their back.

Typically you’ll find these spiders hiding in sac-like webs in corners, under eaves on your roof, or in other spaces similar.

These spiders are less venomous than black widows and brown recluses but bites can cause minor pain, redness, and itching.

This Retro Barbie Dreamhouse Is For Sale in Hamilton, NJ

This is the coolest house in all of Mercer County, NJ!

Gallery Credit: Gianna

10 New Jersey Restaurants on the "Anthony Bourdain Trail"

Let's take a trip on the New Jersey Anthony Bourdain Trail!

 "If I'm an advocate for anything, it's to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean, or simply across the river. Walk in someone else's shoes or at least eat their food. It's a plus for everybody." - Anthony Bourdain

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