Officials Tell Tourists: Don’t Visit the Jersey Shore

I know it's tempting to want to hop in your car and drive down the shore, with offices and schools being closed, but, Cape May County officials are asking you to reconsider, according to 6ABC.
I admit, I thought about it myself. It's fresh air, it's open space, and would be easy to still maintain your social distance, right? Wrong.
I wasn't the only one who thought about going to their "happy place." Some shore towns are crowded, with people on the beaches and boardwalks, making locals very nervous about the spread of COVID-19.
The article states that owners of summer homes are choosing to do their social distancing along the Jersey Shore, because it's not as densely populated, well, they thought it wouldn't be.
Brigantine Mayor Simpson told 6ABC, "I don't think anybody should be out right now bringing the virus someplace else. I think they should be home like I am right now. I'm at my house."
For more of the story, click here.
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