Philadelphia Phillies' Bryce Harper and his wife, Kayla, have announced another child. Harper took to Instagram to post a picture captioned “Girl Dad!”

The photo was of the couple surrounded by heart-shaped balloons and holding up the ultrasound picture. Kayla posted the same picture with the caption “Evening things out this year with Baby Girl Harper. Coming December 2020.”

They announced this ten months to the day after the birth of their song, and first child, Krew Aron, who was born Aug. 22, 2019. They announced his birth with a photoset of a toddler Phillies jacket with “Harper 3” written on it. On the front was a picture of his ultrasound.

According to People Magazine, Bryce and Kayla were high school sweethearts who wed in December 2019.

Haper wrapped up his first season with the Phillies this fall. He signed a 13-year, $330 million dollar contract with the team, according to He is a right fielder who started playing with the Washinton Nationals back in 2010.

This has caused the family to be in a potion to defending their son. In September, at Nationals stadium, there was more heckling than usual, which also brought in mentioning their son. Kayla called these hecklers “classless.”

"When you bring his son or family into it, yes, you're crossing a line," she tweeted. "Stick to your overused overrated and Harper sucks chants if you're really that loser that goes to a game to heckle someone."

Kayla does post videos of their time as a new family and of their son.


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