Philadephia Eagles Player Visits his Former School in New Jersey
I always believe that athletes and celebrities should always stay humble and remember where they came from. Some people could say that the members of Chris and the Crew are "celebrities" and if that is the case and ANY of my alma maters called on me to visit or do anything for them, I absolutely would do it. I have frequently visited Rider University to speak to prospective students, and even brought the big yellow PST Van to the annual fireman's carnival in Middlesex Borough to bring in some excitement and people. Do I think I am in any way an A-list celebrity? No! But I do believe that if you can make a difference with your voice and give back to the people who gave you your education your name, you need to.
Corey Clement made me so happy when I heard he went back to his elementary and high school in Glassboro New Jersey. According to, the running back from the Philadelphia Eagles paid a visit to wrap up Black History Month. Tons of students got high fives, pictures, and Corey even got a big loud chant of "Fly Eagles Fly!" when he entered the gym. He spoke to students about Black History Month and hopes he inspired them to do their best and reach for the stars.
Great job Corey!