Have you ever tried to pump your own gas in New Jersey? Betcha won't do it again.

It's common knowledge that New Jersey is the only state in the country where it is actually illegal to pump your own gas. Agree or disagree - that's just the way it is.

Gas station attendant at work
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But for the non-natives that may not be familiar with this Jersey status quo - they could be in for a bit of a rude awakening when they unwittingly attempt to pump their own gas in New Jersey.

You would think that being told not to worry about pumping your own gas would be a pleasant exchange, right? So why is it not?!

As a born and bred Jersey girl, not only do I prefer to have my gas pumped for me, but even I wanted to pump it myself, I'm afraid to do it! Why? Because in some cases, New Jersey gas station attendants will scold you for even trying.

If you even try to touch the gas pump, the interaction with the attendant will most likely go something like this TikTok by @chayyy_luppp. It's hilarious, but true!

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Have you ever been politely (or impolitely) scolded by a Jersey gas station attendant? Trust me, it's not an isolated incident. Otherwise, there wouldn't be multiple videos of this situation on social media. Sure, maybe they're a bit exaggerated, but there's hilarity in the truth. Here's another one from TikToker @saybeast! (The heavy Delco accent kills me!)

So if you've ever been sent back inside of your car with your tail between your legs, don't feel bad. Think of it as a welcome into New Jersey.

Have you ever been told to back off by a gas station employee in New Jersey? How did that interaction go?

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Gallery Credit: Austyn

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