See ‘Rocky IV’ and ‘Creed II’ At This Center City Screening
I have a few confessions to make.
Yes, I've seen Creed and I have a super crush on Michael B Jordan, and I will be seeing Creed II. Also, yes ... I've worked out and ran the Rocky Steps and all but I have NEVER seen any of the Rocky films.
I know, I know - these movies are classics, especially to the city of Philadelphia.
Oops ...
Well, if you haven't seen any of the Rocky films or maybe you have, you might want to check this out.
For one night only ... tonight, Tuesday Nov 20th you can see a screening on Rocky IV and Creed II back to back in Center City.
According to phillyvoice.com ""Rocky IV" will start at 5:20 p.m., with "Creed II" following at 7:15 p.m. Tickets for the one-night-only event are $20."
Tuesday, Nov. 20
5:20 p.m. | $20 per person
Philadelphia Film Center
1412 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19102
It will for sure be a knockout!
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