Select Target Stores Are Adding Interactive Disney Stores Soon
Target has announced that they are launching interactive Disney Stores at select locations across the country.
Yes, yet another way to spend more time and money in this super store.
I know I'm not the only one coming out of Target with a bunch of things when I only went in for a roll of paper towels. Now I might just walk out with a Woody doll too. You never know.
According to thrillest.com, "The Disney stores will open on October 4 at 25 Target locations."
One of them will be opening in Philly, lucky us!
Thrillest.com says that these mini stores inside the Targets will obviously be located near the kid departments like clothes and toy aisles. Which makes total sense if you're trying to lure the kids in.
Experts say that Target customers are Disney customers so they believe that these interactive location will be successful.
I'm definitely interested in checking it out.
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