Should You Eat Jersey Snow?
Today is Tuesday and there has been a snowstorm dumping inches of snow on the garden state for days now. It started on Sunday. As I am looking outside my back window, the snow is still coming down. It's crazy and we have not seen a storm like this in years, it has not stopped in days. The snow has been pretty to watch once I got home and wasn't driving in it and yesterday, we got to take my one year old son, Nathan outside to play in it. I was nervous about him eating it and when I did some research, Popular Science talked to a science professor at Oregon State University and I was very surprised at what she said. Anne Nolin says snowflakes when they first fall from the sky are the cleanest. Once snow has been on the ground for a while and plows come by, then it becomes dirty.Anne Nolin says the snow falling from the sky is very clean. Your best bet is to stand outside with your mouth open wide and eating that snow. Or maybe the snow from your backyard that no one has touched. You can read more about what Anne Nolin thinks about eating snow, some of it is very scientific here.
Snow days when I was a kid were awesome. I'd usually go down the street to one of my neighbor's houses and stay there all day. She was a stay at home mom and my mom worked, so I'd play over there and her daughter was a year older than me, so we'd play outside in the snow and we'd have hot soup for lunch and we'd always have a fun time. Of course, like most kids, when we'd play outside, we'd eat snow. We always stayed away from the yellow snow of course. I've seen so many people, mostly Moms doing some fun activities with snow with their kids and I definitely wanted to do that, but I figured Nathan would just eat it, but now that I won't have to worry too about him eating it, I might be trying a few of these activities.