Imagine if your iPhone broke about a week ago and you dropped it off at an Apple Store to get repaired.  Then all of sudden, Apple decided to close all of its stores due to the Coronavirus outbreak.

According to Business Insider, that's the situation many people find themselves in all over the U.S.  On March 14, Apple announced that it was closing all of its stores outside of China, but Business Insider says that stores actually stayed open 2 additional days to allow people to pick up their devices.

In addition, Business Insider says that Apple either called or emailed all of the customers who had left devices at stores for repair to let them know about the 2-day pickup window.

So customers who missed that 2-day window are now stuck without their devices until Apple eventually reopens stores.  Obviously, we've got much bigger problems than not having a phone or iPad and clearly, Apple did all that it could to accommodate people, but I sure am glad that I have all of my devices.

This is also probably a reminder to us all that we should be extra careful with our devices at home right now. If you break your phone, you may not be able to get it fixed for quite a while.

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