Thanksgiving is the day that most of us will overindulge on food and desserts, and I couldn't be happier about it. I think it's the one day you can feast with friends and family without guilt. I never worried about the calories and carbs of the actual meal. That is until I came across an article from TIME that described what the big meal does to your body.

Don't worry it's not all bad, but it's definitely interesting. Dr. Stephen Juraschek, who is an internist and primary care physician at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston goes through and explains what happens after consuming a big Thanksgiving spread:

-  The stomach expands

- There will be a spike in blood sugar since the carbs are converted into sugars

- Cholesterol markers, blood pressure, and fluid retention may also increase as your body processes all fats and salts consumed.

- Some may experience bloating, heartburn or headaches.

- You might be feeling tired but it's not because of the tryptophan found in turkey. It's because it takes your body energy to digest all that food.

- Your arms and legs might get a little cold because extra blood is sent to the digestive system.

A tip, according to Dr. Jurascheck, is to not skip breakfast because a light meal in the morning will help start your metabolism. Also, you won't be starving by the time you get to the main course later in the day. He even recommends taking a walk with family and friends after to help burn a few calories.

So that's what all that food will do to you, but in the end, just enjoy!

To read more on this, click here.



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