This Item You Have In Your NJ Household Is Now Illegal
We've all heard of some of the ridiculous and bizarre laws that we have in New Jersey, but now a new law has officially taken effect as of August 1st. We've all heard of the crazy laws like you can't eat pickles on a Sunday or you can't purchase ice cream past 6 pm in Newark.
This ban though is a bit more serious than the other wacky law.
There's a new ban on specific types of light bulbs, so everyone will have to make the switch over to LED light bulbs.
The ban took place yesterday, August 1st, and it stopped all sales of incandescent light bulbs in stores across America. Of course, I'm sure you may still have some of these bulbs throughout your house or unused ones sitting on your shelves for later and it's totally fine.
The police aren't going to bang on your door and demand you turn over your light bulbs, but from now on stores are prohibited from selling incandescent bulbs that produce fewer than 45 lumens per watt.
It looks as though everyone will be switching over the LEDs if they haven't already! Switching to LEDs actually will save you money in the long haul as well while also helping the environment.
Although there is a ban, there are other specialized bulbs that will be available for purchase like appliance lamps (fridge and oven lights), black lights, infrared lamps, bug lamps, plant lamps, traffic signals, reflector lamps, and other specialty lamps including marine lamps.
This ban has been in the works for some time now, but nobody had really taken it seriously until the ban actually went into effect.