What’s New At Six Flags Great Adventure Safari in Jackson, NJ for 2022
Looking for something fun to do on Spring Break? The Six Flags Wild Drive Thru Adventure is now open for the 2022 season (the park opens April 2nd) and has upped their game with some new animals and guest perks for you to check out, according to a recent press release.
Make sure you keep an eye out for the new Southern White Rhinoceros named Sawyer. Sawyer is only 6 years old and will join the three adult Rhinos in the Afrikka section of the safari ride. I know he's a Southern WHITE Rhino, but, he's actually gray in color and weighs a whopping 3,800 pounds (the adults can be up to 6,000 pounds). Whoa. He'll be in the same area as the elephants, ostriches, and zebras.
I looove the giraffes. The last time my family drove through the safari they came right up to our car. There were three baby giraffes born at the safari over the winter that you'll be able to see this season. Did you know their necks can be up to 7 feet long?
Look in the Serengeti Grasslands section for two new sable antelope calves. If you don't know what they look like, their curved horn will give them away.
There are also two new baby red lechwe...a type of antelope. They have reddish fur, tall horns that could be up to three feet high, and live in the Wilde Plains section of the safari. Have your camera ready. Like the baby giraffes, they were also born at the safari since last season.
Last but not least, there are two new Asian water buffalo calves. They'll be hanging out in the Afrikka section of the safari and they love water, so look near the ponds if you can't find them
More babies are on the way this spring too...zebra, American bison, kangaroo, and more.
If you've never been, you'll love it. I've been many times and enjoy it each and every time. The roadway through the safari has been widened and 5 miles of it have just been paved for a smoother ride. The entrance of the safari has been updated and you can now add your safari pass to your Google Pay Wallet or Apple Pay Wallet for your convenience.
For more information, click here. To buy tickets, click here.
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