2 Woman Stole 2000 Panties From PA Victoria’s Secret In 2 Minutes
Two women stole about 2000 pairs of panties from a Victoria’s Secret in PA.
That's insane.
Over this past weekend the shoplifters were caught on camera at the Victoria’s Secret inside the Capital City Mall in Harrisburg and get ready for the crazy part ...
Not only did they steal nearly 2000 pairs of underwear ... but they stole it in under two minutes.
Damnnn ... they didn't waste any time. Clearly this was strategically planned.
They wiped the shelves and drawers underneath clean ... stealing every single pair of underwear off the front display.
So, like I was saying they stole all of that between 3:03pm and 3:05pm, according to reports, by quickly putting them into bags that they brought with them says phillyvoice.com.
The estimated value of the merchandise stolen is about $21,000.
Ummm ... not for nothing, but my question is, what in the world in anyone about to do with 2000 pairs of panties?!