A New Way of Traveling To Long Beach Island New Jersey
Starting August 19th, a ferry service will begin running from Tuckerton Seaport & Baymen's Museum to Beach Haven, Long Beach Island. The Ferry will cross The Little Egg Harbor Bay to the municipal dock on Taylor Avenue in Beach Haven, a 45 minute trip by boat. The service will operate on Sunday's Monday's and Tuesday's leaving Tuckerton at 8 a.m, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m, with departures from Beach Haven at 9:30 a.m, 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Rides on the Ferry Service are free to passengers.
The free service is thanks to the Sightseer Marine of Hudson Florida. Tim Hart, the Director of Engagement at Sightseer Marine, says that the $125,000 cost of the service is being funded by a loan from an anonymous supporter, that will be repaid by grants that the seaport plans to receive for the project. The Mayor of Beach Haven, Nancy Davis believes the project will be successful, "it's an opportunity for people to experience and learn about the bay and nature, she tells The Sandpaper, adding, "Tuckerton has such a rich history and was an early port of entry for the United States."
Since congestion is such a problem for Long Beach Island as it is, it's only fitting to create a tourist attraction that will (literally) ship in tourists directly to Beach Haven. This idea seems a bit contradictory. The trip, which is 45 minutes at least, depending on the winds and choppy waters, will likely add time for travelers to get to their destination. If you were hoping for a history lesson, simply stop by the museum for the opportunity to check out it's, "rich history." Otherwise, driving any time (besides Saturday afternoons during rental season) will likely be a better alternative.