Adam Sandler Filming Movie in Philadelphia, PA TODAY
Adam Sandler is filming part of his new movie in Center City, Philadelphia TODAY, according to CBS 3.
The movie is called "Hustle." It will be on Netflix. It's another sports movie for Sandler. IMDB says he plays a washed up basketball scout who discovers a phenomenal street ball player while overseas and sees this as his chance to get back into the NBA. Lol.
Queen Latifah, Robert Duvall, and Ben Foster are also in the movie.
Seems like the perfect part for Sandler. He's a great actor. My husband quoted his movie, The Wedding Singer" in our wedding vows. Yup, true story.
There are going to be some road closures because of this movie shoot:
Road Closures
The following streets will be closed from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Monday, September 20:
- 1800-1900 Arch Street
- 100 N. 19th Street
The following streets will be closed from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Monday, September 20:
- 1200-1300 Market Street (eastbound travel lanes only)
- 12th Street and 13th Street will remain open to traffic
- All westbound travel lanes on Market Street will remain open to traffic
Parking Restrictions
The following streets will be posted as “Temporary No Parking” zones from 6 p.m. Sunday, September 19 to 10 p.m. Monday, September 20:
- 1200 Block of Market Street (both sides of street)
- 12th Street between Clover Street and Filbert Street (west side only)
- Market Street from 17th Street to 21st Street (both sides of street)
- 1800-1900 Block Arch Street (both sides of street)
- 100 N. 19th Street (both sides of street)
All “Temporary No Parking” signs must be obeyed. Vehicles parked in these locations during posted hours will be relocated.
Public Transportation
SEPTA Bus Routes 17, 33, 44, 48 will be detoured from their normal routes through the East Market Street area beginning at 12:30 p.m. on Monday, September 20 through approximately 3:30 p.m.
SEPTA Bus Routes 33 and 48 will be detoured from their normal routes through 1800-1900 Arch Street area beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, September 20 through approximately 12:30 p.m.
Detours will be posted, and specific route changes will be made available online on the System Status Page at Septa.org.
Joe, from Chris & The Crew lives in Manayunk and told me that Sandler just filmed parts of the movie in that area as well. He wasn't as excited as I am to have a big star in the area, complaining about how the shoot messed up parking. But, he is excited to see his neighborhood in the movie.
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