Applebee’s is Selling $1 ‘Vampire’ Cocktails All Month
Applebee's releases new drink for the month of October.
Who said Halloween is just for kids!?
In fact if you ask me, Halloween is even more cooler when your an adult.
You can get super creative with costumes, go to awesome themed parties and do adult things ... like drink.
Emphasis on drink because this is definitely something your going want to take advantage of this Halloween season if your into drinking.
Applebee's has announced their $1 drink of the month.
Of course it would be Halloween themed too.
It's naturally called the 'Vampire.'
According to thrillest.com here is how the drink is made, "Applebee's will serve its "freaky tiki" drink in a 10-ounce mug with white rum, pineapple juice, a mysterious "vampire mix," and a Maraschino cherry on top for good measure."
The best part about the drink is that it's served with plastic vampire teeth.
Very cool, I'm into it!
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