For all the new moms out there who will be traveling in the near future, you might find the lactation pods at the Philadelphia International Airport a little unusual. While the obvious intention is to give moms a place that is quiet and private to breastfeed, other people who have used them had another idea in mind.

According to, if you were to use one of the pods you will see that they are completely decorated with notes. Moms from all over who have passed through the airport and stopped to breastfeed their child had written notes of encouragement and stuck them on the walls. Some of the notes share stories about difficulty being a new mother, breastfeeding stories or simply just encouraging notes.

"I think it's wonderful because you might be feeling alone and this is so hard to do, but then you read those notes and you realize you're not the only one that's going through this experience and people are there encouraging you and love you," said Leah Douglas, the Director of Guest Experiences.

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