Can You Name These Landmarks? Only a True Central Jerseyan Can Pass This Quiz!
We are proud to be from Central Jersey, right? So we LOVE to show off our knowledge, but I bet only a TRUE Central Jerseyan can pass this quiz.
Wanna try?
We'll see how well you pay attention when you're driving around this area, or are you zoned out to your surroundings? We'll see.
Below are landmarks (or familiar scenery) all around Central Jersey.
They may look familiar, but can you tell me where exactly they are? It may be harder than you think. Some are obvious, some not so much.
No cheating, you can't ask a friend to help. See if you can do it all by yourself.
Let's see how many you guess correctly because I'm guessing that ONLY a TRUE Central Jerseyan can pass this quiz. We'll live the imposters at the door.
Are you ready?
Good luck.
Can You Name These Landmarks? Only a True Central Jerseyan Can Pass This Quiz!
Pictured below are things you may (or may not) have seen around Central Jersey. But a TRUE Central Jerseyan can name all of them. See how many YOU can correctly identify!
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