Cupid’s Undie Run Coming To Philly This February
It has been mentioned on RSSWeather.com that February is one of the coldest months of the year in Philadelphia but that doesn't hold anyone from running in their undies in the University City area.
PhillyVoice.com reported that on Saturday, February 8th from Noon to 4 pm hundreds of people will be partying and running a one-mile fun run in their undies for the Cupid's Undie Run. It was also mentioned that the Cupid's Undie Run is to help raise money for the Children's Tumor Foundation. Have to say that I great reason to take off your clothes and be out in the cold in your undies.
If you want to be part of the Cupid's Undie Run you can still register for it. It cost $40 to be part of the run. It was mentioned on PhillyVoice.com that there is a party before and after the undie run.
It's all a win-win situation because you get to party, drink, workout, and also help raise money for the Children's Tumor Foundation. Cupid's Charity has a goal of $134,385 and so far has raised over 35 thousand dollars.
If you would like to register for the Cupid's Undie Run make sure to visit their website.
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