Franklin Institute Offers Trick-or-Treating for Families
Just about everyone in the country is just now getting used to our new normal. Many of the events we used to be able to celebrate in person have now moved to being celebrated virtually, but there are some that just would not feel right if done that way. Halloween just so happens to be one of those events that has to happen in person, and everyone is making sure kids can enjoy at least one thing about this crazy year we are having.
According to phillyvoice, The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia will host trick-or-treating for all families to enjoy. Families will be able to go door to door inside of the museum, just as they would house to house. Of course, everyone must wear a face mask. It is completely free to partake in the event, which is set for the weekend of Halloween as mentioned on their facebook page, as long as you purchase a regular admissions ticket. Tickets can be purchased here.
I'm happy that they are doing something like this. It is so sad that many kids have not been able to enjoy much of this year. I am, however, wondering if they will limit the amount of people allowed to trick-or-treat at a time, and if they limit the amount of people in a family that are allowed in. This will probably be a blueprint of how kid-friendly events will be run until a vaccine is available to everyone.
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