According to a bulletin I received via email, there will be two opportunities for Mercer County residents to get tested for COVID-19 at the Cure Insurance Arena in Trenton. On November 24th and December 1st, Mercer County residents 14 years or older can get tested for COVID-19 with the saliva test, inside the Cure Insurance Arena from 10am to 2pm. Residents should go to Parking lot 2, which is the one off South Broad Street, and go through Gate A. I'm sure there will be people directing where to go. You must bring some sort of proof of residency and residents must refrain from eating, drinking, smoking and even chewing gum 30 minutes before they arrive at the Cure Insurance Arena. Saliva tests will be on the concourse level and will be limited to 300 people on both days.

For more information please visit this bulletin from Mercer County.

With cases going up, I have been wondering where my husband and I can get tested for COVID-19. We play it super safe, we wear our masks, we wash our hands all the time, we disinfect surfaces, plus we keep our distance from others. However, this virus is so unpredictable, you never know. I think the mores testing sites that are set up, the better off we will be about getting this terrible virus under control. I think more times people feel symptoms or have been exposed to someone, but don't know where to go to get tested, so then they just don't both and they risk spreading it to others. The spread is a big problem. So it's good to get the word out there for Mercer County residents that the Cure Insurance Arena is available to them for testing. Hopefully people will take advantage.

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