Get Ready to Pay More at the Gas Pump in NJ!
Here's something you probably haven't heard of...saw on The Patch today that we better brace ourselves for another gas tax hike. UGH! It already costs me $50 to fill up my car. Remember the last one was a whopping 23 cents....who knows what it'll be this time, if it goes up! Why, you ask? Good question! Well, there's this little known provision in the last hike that says it'll depend on how much the last tax hike collected over the past year to add to the Transpotation Trust Fund (I bet you've never heard of that apparently pays for important and emergency road projects). If it didn't add enough revenue, than we may be paying more. Gov. Murphy's Administration will be watching it through the rest of the summer. From what I've read, the rate is determined quarterly, so if there's not enough in that emergency fund, a gas tax hike could go into effect October 1. I'm going to start riding my bike more! Actually I need to get a bike first! Lol!