The coronavirus pandemic has not only taken way too many lives, but it also has robbed us of many experiences and milestones that were planned for the spring. It's extremely sad that high school seniors have had their proms and graduations canceled because of social distancing laws. Most graduations and proms have been postponed as of now, but being that no one knows how or when this virus will stop wreaking havoc on the world, there's no guarantee that they will happen.

According to, there are 393 seniors at Hightstown High School and faculty members delivered signs to each one of their lawns. The signs came from Stitches-n-Ink, a local printing shop located on Mercer Street in Hightstown and faculty members each took a bunch of signs and split up in separate cars to distribute them. Check out some pictures of the signs being distributed below.

Bravo Hightstown High School and Stitches-n-Ink! I'm sure these seniors really appreciate these signs since so many memories and milestones have been taken from them already due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Read more about this story and see more pictures at

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