Hopewell Helpers are Serving Our Community
Something good that has come out of this awful pandemic is kindness. I have seen so many people lending a helping hand to others when they need it most. The most vulnerable people to COVID-19 are people who are 65 or older, or those who have underlying health conditions. These people who were most at risk were not able to get to the grocery store and do the normal day to day things that you and I were able to do, so I loved when I was seeing people post on Facebook offering help to others who need it. I was on Facebook last week and I saw a post from a young man named Will spreading the word about an organization called Hopewell Helpers.
We had the pleasure of having Will, who founded Hopewell Helpers and he filled us in about his organization. He said it's made up of students who either graduated high school or are about to and they perform pretty much any task you can think of for the people in our community who need help. They do lawn work, they grocery shop, they can take care of your child or your pet, and just do anything you need to get done around the house. They are doing everything completely safe while wearing masks and practicing social distancing when it's possible. The best part about their services are they don't set rates for them. You choose what you feel they deserve fort heir services. Will said, they just want to make sure the people in the surrounding communities get what they need during his difficult time. That is amazing!
If you need things done give Hopewell Helpers a call. To contact them for a wide variety of tasks around your house, visit their Facebook page, website, email hvhelpers@gmail.com, or call them at 609-474-4401.
To hear Will's entire on air interview with us, click below.