Whoa. A senior at Stockton Univeristy in South Jersey got the surprise of her life when her idol, Justin Bieber, gave her $100,000, on MTV,  for the work she's done to raise awareness for mental health issues, according to The Patch.

Julie Coker had her own battle with depression and anxiety after losing her family's home back in Super Storm Sandy. She turned to counselors at her high school, and ever since, she's wanted to help others.

Now, Julie has become the President of the Stockton University chapter of Active Minds, a "nonprofit supporting mental health awareness and education to young adults," the article states. She's also on the national Active Minds Student Advisory Committee.

After revealing his own struggles with mental health, Justin and his team set out looking to help someone who supported mental health help, and picked Julie for her work with Active Minds.

Julie told The Patch that she's still in shock after meeting Justin and his wife, Hailey Bieber backstage, and will be going to one of Justin's upcoming shows, compliments of Justin.

Julie plans to use part of the money to continue her education, and create a scholarship at the high school she graduated from.

 To read more of Julie's story, click here.



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