Does Lawrence Township, NJ Need A New Roundabout In This Area?
Uh-oh, Lawrence Township! If you aren’t a fan of circles, then you’re probably not going to be a fan of this one.
There’s going to be construction taking place in Lawrence Township soon that could potentially help solve a lot of problems near Princeton Ave. and Brunswick Circle. On Mercer County's official website, there have been plans released for the township to convert the Princeton Ave and Brunswick Circle extension into another circle.
There have been issues with efficiency in that area because currently, that intersection is guided by a yield and a stop sign. If you aren’t sure exactly what intersection this is, it's the road past the Lawrenceville Quick Check, just before the Trenton Farmers Market.
The county and township’s concern is that it’s nearly impossible for pedestrians and cyclists to cross in that area and they hope this eliminates a lot of crashes that happen in the area of that intersection due to confusion.
The construction of this circle will be the third circle within a mile radius in the township. Living in New Jersey, we all probably face a lot of circles in our day-to-day routines. You either love them or absolutely hate them.
The Whitehead Road Circle gets a lot of backlash on local Facebook groups and The Brunswick circle is a close second when we’re talking about complaints.
On the County’s website, there is a full list of the plans for the construction of the new circle, it’s saying that it will be a 3-legged modern roundabout that will have sidewalks paved in so that pedestrians can safely cross through the intersection safely.
You can find more information on the project here.
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