A man from Medford New Jersey has a kickstarter going and it's captured a lot of attention. It's one of those inventions that you say to yourself, "Why didn't I think of that?" The idea is simple, when you want to grab a piece of pizza to go, but want to save ti for later, you need somewhere to put it to keep it hot, right? I know for me, I am constantly eating meals in my car, so if I grabbed a slice of pizza from a pizzeria and wanted to keep it hot until I reached my destination, I would definitely need this. Well, a man from Medford, named Mike Hourani's had the same thought, which is why he came up with "The Pizza Pocket." It's an adorable sweatshirt that has a pocket for your pizza! I know what you're thinking, isn't my sweatshirt going to get messy from pizza grease? Not from this picture below. You can even remove the inside pocket and wash it.

Credit: Pizza Pocket
Credit: Pizza Pocket

So you've got your hoodie, then insulated pouch and your pizza! What more could you need?

Credit: The Pizza Pocket
Credit: The Pizza Pocket

The kickstarter is live and the video below has raised over $2,600 of its $5,000 goal. Once they hit their $5,000 goal, they will ship in June, so pledge your money now! They have all kinds of cool incentives depending on how much you pledge.

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