Man from Medford Created a Sweatshirt with Pocket for your Pizza!
A man from Medford New Jersey has a kickstarter going and it's captured a lot of attention. It's one of those inventions that you say to yourself, "Why didn't I think of that?" The idea is simple, when you want to grab a piece of pizza to go, but want to save ti for later, you need somewhere to put it to keep it hot, right? I know for me, I am constantly eating meals in my car, so if I grabbed a slice of pizza from a pizzeria and wanted to keep it hot until I reached my destination, I would definitely need this. Well, a man from Medford, named Mike Hourani's had the same thought, which is why he came up with "The Pizza Pocket." It's an adorable sweatshirt that has a pocket for your pizza! I know what you're thinking, isn't my sweatshirt going to get messy from pizza grease? Not from this picture below. You can even remove the inside pocket and wash it.
So you've got your hoodie, then insulated pouch and your pizza! What more could you need?
The kickstarter is live and the video below has raised over $2,600 of its $5,000 goal. Once they hit their $5,000 goal, they will ship in June, so pledge your money now! They have all kinds of cool incentives depending on how much you pledge.
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