Good news if you're starting to lose faith in the survival of diner culture in New Jersey!

The Medport Diner, located at 122 Route 70 in Medford, is staying open after the building faced closure and demolition!

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The disappointing news that the diner would close started to spread when the Medford Zoning Board approved plans to demolish the building back in February.

It was reportedly going to be demolished to make way for a new retail shopping center, which would have included a Chipotle, according to Courier Post Online.

This news sparked an outcry amongst locals who didn't want to see yet another New Jersey diner succumb to closure. Something we've seen happen so often in the years since the 2020 pandemic.

READ MORE: Voorhees Diner, Marked with Shady Past, Closes in New Jersey

Though it's not clear what happened, something changed. The diner posted a sign in the window that says "We Are Staying Open!" according to Facebook community page 'A View From Evesham.'

Medport Diner has been in business for an impressive 45 years, so hopefully they'll stay open for many more years to come. Especially given the fact that in the past 7 years, a slew New Jersey diners have closed or been replaced, including:

  • Diamond Diner - Hainsport
  • Red Lion Diner - Southampton
  • Empire Diner - Parsippany
  • Cherry Hill Diner - Cherry Hill
  • Marlton Diner - Marlton
  • Mastoris Diner - Bordentown
  • Penn Queen Diner - Pennsauken
  • Sage Diner - Mount Laurel

Be sure to stop into Medport Diner! It would have been a disappointing thing to see another Chipotle take its place!

NJ Diners that are open 24/7

Hours as of September 2023.

Gallery Credit: Jordan Jansson, Mike Brant

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