Midterm Elections 2018 – Voting in New Jersey & Pennsylvania
Election day is just hours away, and while there has been a ton of coverage about this year's midterm elections, you may still not be sure about where you are supposed to vote tomorrow. OR you may not even know what time the polling station is open.
It's OK! We researched the voting laws in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey to answer your questions before you head to the polls.
In New Jersey:
Poll Hours: Polls will be open across the state from 6 am until 8 pm.
Voter Registration: Click here to confirm that you registered to vote.
*If you are not already registered to vote, you are not eligible to vote in this year's general election. New voters must be registered within 21 days of an election, according to state law.
Where is your polling place?: You can click here to enter your address so you can search for your polling location. It's a good idea to check to that your polling place hasn't changed from previous years.
* If you have previously voted at your polling station, you do NOT need to bring your identification with you. However, if you are voting at a new polling place, read below for instructions.
First Time Voters: If you are voting for the first time ever or voting in a new polling place, you may want to read through these FAQs listed on the state's website.
Voter Identification: If you are voting for the first time ever in your county and you registered to vote by mail (but you didn't provide an ID number or copy of your ID When you registered), you MUST show your ID to vote at the polling station.
Acceptable forms of ID include: NJ photo or non-photo driver's license; military or other government ID; student ID; employee ID; store membership card; US passport; or bank statement, car registration, government check or document, rent receipt, sample ballot, utility bill, or any other official document.
If you are unable to provide ID, you will be able to vote with a provisional ballot.
In Pennsylvania:
Poll Hours: The polls are open from 7 am until 8 pm.
Voter Registration: Click here to confirm that you are registered to vote.
* If you are not already registered to vote, you are not eligible to vote in this year's general election. The deadline for voter registration was October 9, according to the state law.
Where is your polling place?: You can click here to enter your address so you can search for your polling location. It's a good idea to check to that your polling place hasn't changed from previous years.
* If you have previously voted at your polling station, you do NOT need to bring your identification with you. However, if you are voting at a new polling place, read below for instructions.
First Time Voters: If you are voting for the first time ever or voting in a new polling place, you may want to check out this page. It has tips and a guide to voting in Pennsylvania.
Voter Identification: If you're a first-time voter, or if you moved within Pennsylanvia and are voting for the first time at a new polling place, you MUST show your ID to vote.
Acceptable forms of ID include: Pennsylvania driver's license or PennDOT ID card; ID issued by Pennsylvania or the US government; US passport; US military ID; student ID; employee ID; a confirmation issued by the County Voter Registration Office; non-photo ID issued by Pennsylvania or the US government; firearm permit; or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, or a government check that includes your name and address.
If you are unable to provide ID, you will be able to vote with a provisional ballot.
If you have questions when you arrive at your polling station in either state, do not hesitate to ask those working at the polling station. They are very happy to help answer your questions.
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