Modell’s Sporting Goods Distribution Center To Open in Bordentown
The main distribution center for Modell's Sporting Goods is opening in Bordentown Township, according to a press release.
The new distribution center will be located in the Matrix Warehouse, at the intersection of Georgetown Road and Old York Road. Modell's has retail stores up and down the east cost, with one being very close to Bordentown, in Hamilton Marketplace, on Route 130. It will occupy about half of the building.
The Mayor of Bordentown Township, Stephen Benowitz said, "The Township is happy to welcome Modell’s to Bordentown. In our meeting, the representatives from Modell’s made it clear that they are interested in being good neighbors and good corporate citizens.”
Many residents were concerned about new traffic forming in that area. Mayor Benowitz responded, “They confirmed that their tractor trailers will be utilizing Old York Road, and not Georgetown Road, for all entrance and exits to the facility. This will alleviate the concerns that the Township and many residents had about increased truck traffic on Georgetown Road."
So, what does this mean for us? Maybe we'll get merch faster when our local teams make the big games? Lol. They have to make the big games first. We'll see.
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