Need Some Extra Cash? Target is Hiring!
I don't know about you, but I have a few side jobs besides working on the morning show at PST. It's mostly because I enjoy doing a lot of different things, but another reason is to earn some extra cash. I am always looking for anew opportunities and if you are too, you may wanna head on over to your nearest Target! Why you ask? Well, they are hiring for seasonal help!
According to, Target is starting to hire for the holiday season and they'll start you at $13 an hour. There will be two hiring events at every Target in the country on October 11th 12th & 13th and then again on November 2nd and 3rd. You can swing by a Target store from 10am to 6 pm on any of those dates to apply for a position. There are so many positions open at their stores and even at their distribution centers as well. Plenty to go around!
The cool thing is, if you're looking for something just for the holiday season, this is perfect! If you're looking for a permanent position with Target, says, that last year, 40% of people who worked at Target in a seasonal position actually stayed! So that's pretty cool! Like I said, if you're looking for a new side hustle, Target may be a place for you to go. And I'm sure the discount is pretty sweet too!