New Jersey has a Lake that has Clear Blue Water
I've gotta say, I am so happy that the weather is getting nicer and we are able to spend more time outside. When Governor Murphy implemented the Stay at Home order, I stayed home except for trips to work and going to the grocery store, which I didn't even go inside. But, it wasn't hard since there was nothing open, so there was nowhere to go really, plus it was winter, so yeah, I stayed home. Now, that the weather is warmer, I've been taking long walks, riding my bike and spending lots of time down at my father's house in Ocean County. I enjoy Jersey's beaches a lot, but haven't ventured to them yet since they've opened. I miss going on vacations, we used to travel to the Caribbean a lot. If you've never been to a Caribbean island, I suggest you go sometime soon. Since traveling is frowned upon right now, and some countries may not even be allowing tourists to come, there's somewhere right here in New Jersey that you can visit, that may give you an island feel.
According to Only in Your State, there's a lake in Millville, which is located in Cumberland County, that's waters resemble ones of the Caribbean. Visitors are welcome to come by and see it, but urged not to swim as it could be very dangerous. A Youtube channel named, Our Simple Life, took a short and beautiful video of the lake. You can see it below.
So take a road trip and visit this beautiful water, that is what Only in Your State calls the bluest water in New Jersey. For more information about the lake and its location, check out this article.
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