Everyone knows that we take our pizza very seriously here in New Jersey and it’s never treated as a joke.

There are so many different ways to eat pizza and we explore all options here in The Garden State.

It’s no secret that we have some of the best pizza in the entire country right here in New Jersey. It’s almost laughable if any other state thinks they can do it better!

Our egos are fueled by people visiting New Jersey and just loving the pizza we offer. It’s kind of crazy to think about how people from other states order Domino’s and Little Caesar’s every time they have a pizza dinner night.

The best part about pizza is that it’s super customizable. You can have a regular pizza with olives for dinner one night and a buffalo chicken pizza the next and feel like you ate two completely different meals.

There’s also nothing better than a hot pizza after a long day of work and responsibilities. New Jersey’s top pizza topping has just been revealed and I have to say, I expected more from us.

While it’s an amazing, go-to topping, I thought we’d be a little more original with our toppings choices.

What Is New Jersey's Most Popular Pizza Topping?



According to the New York Post, The absolute most popular pizza topping for us in New Jersey is Pepperoni!

This makes total sense to me personally and does not shock me in the slightest.

Pepperoni is easily one of the best toppings and is typically a crowd-pleaser. I’m shocked that it’s not the most popular in every single state.

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