This is crazy.

Self-driving cars aren't just something you see in movies anymore.

They're on the actual roads in New Jersey.

Self-driving cars are being tested on NJ roads

These futuristic cars are being tested right now in the Garden State, according to New Jersey Digest.

That's a big step into the future.


But the big question is: Are you ready for this? I'm not sure I am. I still feel like it feels like an episode of The Jetsons.

They're being tested here in New Jersey because of the many different roadways the state has.

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You can drive on busy city streets to quiet suburban roads and multiple-lane highways, making it the perfect place to test autonomous cars.

Developers are excited to see if their cars can handle all kinds of different driving situations.

Self-driving test cars in NJ are being carefully monitored

Don't worry, these tests are being carefully monitored to make sure they're safe.

Every move these vehicles make is being analyzed, the article says.

Fans of self-driving cars believe they could make the roads safer.


Since these cars don’t rely on human drivers, and the errors we make while driving, there would be fewer accidents with self-driving cars.

The cars have sensors and smart technology making decisions in the blink of an eye, the potential for fewer crashes is exciting. Plus, many of these cars are electric, which could help New Jersey’s efforts to fight air pollution. Imagine quieter roads, less traffic, and a cleaner environment for everyone.

What Self-Driving Cars Could Mean for New Jersey

Self-driving cars could completely change New Jersey.

Commuters would be more relaxed, as the car takes over the drive to work. For those who can’t drive, this would make life a lot easier.


Of course, I have so many questions, as I'm sure you do too.

Can self-driving cars handle unexpected situations?

Can these cars handle unexpected situations like a sudden thunderstorm or crowded streets?

READ MORE:  Can you get a fine for warming up your car in NJ?

And what will happen to jobs that rely on human drivers?

New Jersey is just testing these cars right now, so we'll see what happens.

For more information, click here.

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