You’ll still get your Tax Refund During the Gov. Shutdown
Yesterday, we reported that tax refunds will be heavily affected by the Government shutdown. The IRS would take your money if you owe, but reports said that they would not be taking calls about your tax return and we wouldn't receive our refunds. Today, the IRS Commissioner is saying otherwise.
The IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig says that even though IRS workers have been granted a leave of absence for now, they are committed to getting taxpayers their refunds. This means calling back IRS employees to come in and work to ensure people get their refunds. I mean, think about it. People rely on those refunds for many things. To not issue them or withhold that money could put many people in a financial burden. We also, just found out that even though you can file your tax return in January, you may not get your refund until March!
However, being that the government is still shut down, does that mean that IRS workers, (like many federal workers right now), will be working for free?
When will this shutdown end? Hopefully soon! At least we know we will receive our refund money!
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