NJ's Temperature Records For February and MarchNJ's Temperature Records For February and MarchWe know that New Jersey weather can be like a roller coaster ride. Here are some extreme January and February numbers for the Garden State.Lou RussoLou Russo
New Jersey Diner Is Getting Major National AttentionNew Jersey Diner Is Getting Major National AttentionNo one has to tell you how much we love our diners in New Jersey, and some of our very best diners are getting some national critical acclaim. Lou RussoLou Russo
This Is Officially New Jersey’s Oldest TownThis Is Officially New Jersey’s Oldest TownNew Jersey has a rich history, and there is no town that has been around longer than this one.Lou RussoLou Russo
This New Jersey City Named The Worst Place In The Country To Go For ThanksgivingThis New Jersey City Named The Worst Place In The Country To Go For ThanksgivingIf you want a stress-free holiday this year, don't travel here.Kayla ThomasKayla Thomas
I Am Saddened By the Reactions to the George Floyd Statue in NewarkI Am Saddened By the Reactions to the George Floyd Statue in NewarkFrom what I can see on social media, a lot of people are trying to understand the statue's purpose.Kayla ThomasKayla Thomas
Newark, NJ Named the WORST City to Start a Career in 2021Newark, NJ Named the WORST City to Start a Career in 20212021 graduates may want to think twice before planning a future in Newark. Kayla ThomasKayla Thomas
Michael B. Jordan To Host HBCU Basketball Showcase in His NJ HometownMichael B. Jordan To Host HBCU Basketball Showcase in His NJ HometownThe "Black Panther" has just launched a HBCU showcase in his hometown of Newark. Kayla ThomasKayla Thomas
Newark Native Wins Lottery for the Second Time in Two yearsNewark Native Wins Lottery for the Second Time in Two years A man from Newark New Jersey just won the lottery for the second time!Kayla ThomasKayla Thomas
You Could be an Extra in the New Sopranos Movie!You Could be an Extra in the New Sopranos Movie!The Newark Office of Film and Television wants anyone who wants to be an extra to come out today!TiffanyTiffany