The American Red Cross is in desperate need of blood donations! Blood donations are extremely important for patients that need to receive blood every day and also for emergency situations. The American Red Cross says that blood and platelets are needed every two seconds in the United States and red blood cells only have a shelf life of 42 days and platelets only have a shelf life of five days, according to The American Red Cross.
The Summer is a tough time for receiving blood donations since many people are traveling and vacationing, which is why the American Red Cross is giving people an incentive to donate their blood and platelets. People who are able to donate blood between July 30th and August 30th will receive a $5 Amazon gift card by email. You just have to 17 years old or older and weigh at least 110 pounds. You should also be in good health if you're going to donate blood as well.

There are many American Red Cross locations in our area! Including one right here in Princeton! To find one near you, check out

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