The New Jersey Bike Exchange Is Accepting Bike Donations
The New Jersey Bike Exchange is accepting bike donations to benefit their partner organizations.
Additionally, you can volunteer with their organization or host a bike drive. Since 2009, they have sold more than 17,000 bikes and raised more than $1 million Trenton Boys & Girls Clubs.
You do not need to be a bike mechanic or be interesting in repairing bikes to work at the Bike Exchange. Volunteers, who can work on a flexible schedule, can repair bikes, transport bikes and more. Click here for more information.
Run a Bike Drive:
You can help the Exchange by hosting a bike drive at your place of work, worship, school, scout troop, and group to collect used bikes. If this interests you, click here for more information.
Donate your bike(s):
You can donate your bikes that you and your children no longer use. They will condition the bike and find it a good home. Plus, you’ll get a tax deduction. All proceeds from the sale of your bike will support the Trenton, Plainfield, or New Brunswick Boys & Girls Club after-school programs. Click here for more information on bike donations.
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