Two Local Beaches Make New Best Secret Beach List
We have a lot of great places to spend a day at the beach here in Monmouth and Ocean Counties. They are beautiful, amazing and picturesque. One thing they are not is secret.
As a matter of fact, there are very few secret anythings here at the Jersey Shore. When something is good, we usually are pretty loud about it. And even if we're not, then the tourists who visit our beloved Jersey Shore will be.
So it's hard to imagine that anything good at the Jersey Shore could possibly be a secret to anyone. But it turns out that theory is wrong, at least according to New Jersey Digest. It turns out we have not one, but two great secret beaches right here in our backyard.
So which beautiful local beaches are hush hush around here? Both are well known spots (and now even more well known) but we still appreciate the fact that they're getting praised in this article.
It turns out that there is one beach on the list for each of our beloved counties. Let's start in Monmouth. Coming in at the #7 spot on this list is Spring Lake. The list highlights the amazing beach and awesome shopping in town, among other things. It's all perfectly accurate, but I'm still not sure about the secret part.
And in Ocean County, the secret beach is the private one at Island Heights (private beach). It came in at #6 on this list, and the highlights mentioned include the amazing old fashioned vibe an d the yacht club. So I guess , yes, this is a bit more of a secret.
So there they are. The two great secret beaches in our area. Now maybe we can find some secret parking spots.