Vibe Lounge at Mastoris Wants you To Burn Your Masks this Friday
Mastoris Facebook Page posted that they are celebrating the end of Governor Murphy's mask mandate with a big party. Mastoris in Bordentown is throwing a big Mask Burning Party at their new Vibe Lounge and you're invited.
The Vibe Lounge is a new addition at Mastoris and is an indoor and outdoor bar. The party starts at 6pm and staff members will collect masks and burn them outside. Mastoris will have plenty of drink specials for the celebration like $1 domestic drafts, $5 Tito’s cocktails, and $8 Tito’s Martinis.
The Vibe Lounge also encourages you to dress up for the party in costumes that have tutus, goggles, scarves and more. You can read more about the suggested costumes and more info about this event by visiting the Mastoris Facebook Page.
The mask party is a good idea because I know a lot of people are sick and tired of wearing masks. I know in the beginning the mask mandate was very controversial for a lot of people and to be honest, I think it still is. I've been seeing on the news that people are losing their minds and getting in fights because of masks.
Either people are mad at other people for not wearing mask or people are mad at other people for wearing masks. It's honestly ridiculous to me. If someone still wants to wear a mask, let them wear a mask. Some people have underlying conditions that are not clear when you look at them. So they might wanna still wear a mask to keep their immune systems safe. I know I will probably wear a mask for a few more months in certain places and I don't care what others think.
I keep stressing this, we all need to respect one another and mind our own business. If we can be anything right now, I think we need to be kind.
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